
2024 Calendar of Events

February 10, 2024, 10 am-12:00 pm - American Chestnuts

Dr. Martin Cippolini will host a seminar on the American Chestnut restoration efforts. His talk will include their methodology and plantings across the state. This event is sponsored by the North Georgia Mountains Chapter of the Native Plant Society. This event will be held at the Georgia Mountain Research & Education Center auditorium at 195 Georgia Mtn Exp St. Rd., Blairsville GA 30512.

June 14, 2024, 10am-1 pm - Gardens Grand Opening and Seminar on Deer Resistant Plants

Kellie and Tim Bowen own Full Bloom Nursery. They have 25 years of experience in the horticulture industry with a background in landscape design and installation, plant propagation, nursery and garden center management. Kellie and her husband Tim started Full Bloom Nursery in 2003 and it has grown to 4 acres of plant material and 10 greenhouses. They are open to the public and have customers from all areas of northeast Georgia. Their presentation will focus on deer-resistant varieties that are non-invasive that you may use in your landscape. This event will be held at the historic community cannery, adjacent to the ethno-botanical gardens at GMREC. More information about Full Bloom Nursery. Come to GMREC at 195 Georgia Mtn Exp St Rd, Blairsville, GA 30512, and follow the signs to the gardens. Enjoy touring the gardens after the presentation.


July (date TBD) Georgia Mounatin REC Agriculture Field Day

This event will showcase the many Scientists and projects that GMREC supports. Pesticide Credit in categories 10,21,22,23,24,27 and GCLIP credit will be offered. Participants will take a tram to the research areas and hear directly from the scientist about their work. Lunch provided.


August 17, 2024, 10am-1pm, Ancient Tomatoes at the Farmers Market

For years we have supporter UGA researcher Esther van der Knaap with this unique project. The scientists, graduate students, and GMREC personnel will be on hand at the Union County farmers market where the public can learn more about this unique project. Participants will be able to taste the many types of tomatoes and learn more about the history of tomato agriculture and how UGA is using this project to improve commercial varieties.


August 23, 2024, 10am-1pm - Great Southeaster Pollinator Census

Come and join us in the GMREC Ethno-botanical Gardens for the citizen science project that started right here at GMREC. Community & Scool Garden Coordinator Becky Griffin designed this citizen science project five years ago to increase awareness of all of our pollinators and increase entomological literacy. Attendees will be given instruction and materials before counting in our own ethno-botanical gardens. Use the Pollinator link to learn more.